Doula Mentors
Hatch's Doula Mentors: (from left to right) Bianca, Beatriz, Nicole, Chantal, Natalie, and Brittney.
Bianca Martinez: I often reflect on whether or not I would have the same morals if I hadn’t been blessed with a community of support. My mother frequently reminds me that I was raised by a village. As a single parent, she worked tirelessly to provide, and find resources available to sustain her family.Hatch doulas provide support and resources that would have been greatly beneficial to my mother. When I learned about Hatch’s mission, I knew that I wanted to be part of something that mirrors my own values. As I pursue a career as a certified nurse midwife, I will continue to empower parents to be the best versions of themselves. Being a Hatch mentor strengthens my desire to welcome new life to all parents, while helping mothers recognize their incredible strength.
Beatriz Trejo: When I'm not at school, I mostly enjoy hiking while listening to R&B alongside my pup Leah. Sometimes, I'm simply enjoying myself at Hatch. This past year I trained with Hatch to become a doula and successfully did so. This year, I am fortunate to still be a part of this beautiful community as a mentor. I hope that sharing my knowledge with our new doulas will help them better advocate for the families they will be supporting throughout the training and in the future.
Chantal Davis: I am passionate about justice for all people no matter what color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or legal status. I’ve found that there are many injustices against mothers of color and younger mothers. I strive to reclaim birth as a normal human process rather than a medical event and restore the power of a woman’s birth to the rightful owner. As a mentor, I want to empower the doula trainees to not only be the best they can be, but also provide the support needed for their clients to feel powerful, in control, capable, and loved. I will support their journey of finding their inner strengths as doulas and pulling it out of their clients as well. Continuing to be involved with Hatch is continuing to break systemic cycles.
Natalie Dubon: I’m a Latina and as I grew up in the Bay Area. I’ve always wanted to make a meaningful impact on others. In my community, I’ve notice the inequities that young parents experience. I felt Hatch was the perfect way to reach out to my community. This is why I became a mentor, because my community means a lot to me. Hatch trains relatable doulas and serves the community with pride. Hatch has been a positive experience throughout my doula training, as well as my time serving as a Hatch mentor.
Nicole Del Castillo: While studying Public Health at UC San Diego, I began volunteering with the university’s Flying Samaritans, an international non-profit organization running a general medicine clinic for an underserved population in the Chapultepec region near Ensenada, Mexico. My commitment to the organization motivated me to further my involvement in it as a Public Health Officer, in which I delivered health education and gained extensive knowledge of various factors contributing to health care issues faced by the community. My work abroad continued through UC Davis, where I had the exciting opportunity to participate in the Latino Health Internship Program in Oaxaca, Mexico. In the program, I discovered my passion for maternal and child health. My experiences have inspired me to become a Hatch Mentor, and I am excited to help trainees develop into outstanding individuals, who can implement positive change and empower others in their communities.
Brittney Nared-Mouton: I have always been interested in birth. From understanding what goes on during pregnancy, to watching the interaction between mothers and infants and the bond that they hold. When I became pregnant with my daughter I felt detached from the pregnancy. I had family and friends around me but I still felt alone. I was going to doctors appointments alone and I was too shy to ask questions. When I was introduced to Hatch, I was living by myself with my daughter who was under six months old. Initially, I was just suppose to work on the website but Kat offered me a spot in the program and I could not turn down that opportunity. During my training, I watched young adults from different backgrounds become some of the best of friends. While I was not able to complete the program the first time (due to health reasons), I never gave up. During the first cohort my kidneys began to fail and I was hospitalized several times which lead me to miss many meetings but I was always welcomed back with open arms! Being in this community makes me feel like I have a purpose. It makes me feel like I am not just that girl who got sick and can't do anything. It makes me feel like I am a woman who can help someone who is in need. I am now someone who can light up a tense room with a well placed joke or a sarcastic remark. Hatch has given me the confidence to ask questions and get answers. I am forever grateful that I was introduced to Kat Whipple because she has helped me understand that my life does not always have to be what others want it to be, but what I CHOOSE for it to be!
Kat received her Master’s degree in Social Work from Smith College. Over the last 17 years, she has been involved in developing 4 programs: the largest volunteer mentoring/tutoring program for foster youth in Boulder County, CO (Hope Program 2003), the first weekly reproductive health program and curriculum in Quito, Ecuador (CENIT 2004-2005), the first Spanish sexual assault hotline in Colorado (MESA 2006) and the first transitional living program for female current and former foster youth in Boulder, CO, the second in Colorado (Sage Community Partnership 2008). In 2009, she became a doula because she wanted to better support young parents who did not have the support system they needed. She has worked as an infant mental health therapist in Colorado and a therapist for children and teens at Oakland Children’s Hospital and La Clinica de la Raza. Most recently, she was focused on aggregating Bay Area services and resources for transitional youth to increase accessibility for youth, professionals and organizations.