On Wednesday, August 16th at 5:30pm, we will have an information session about Hatch's Birth and Postpartum Programs for both potential trainees and mentors. Parents and community members are welcome to come learn about Hatch services too. Come Join us!! Please RSVP for address to kat@thehatchcommunity.org or text 510 250 5883.
Our doulas learn about prenatal health and wellness, advocacy in childbirth and pain management techniques, bonding and attachment, and newborn care. Hatch Doulas also learn how to maintain professional communication and reliability and to create trusting relationships.
The program begins with a 4-day Hatch Doula Training in October 2017 over two weekends. Followed by a 9-month Ongoing Training and Apprenticeship that include monthly group meetings every Wednesday for support, education, and skill building.
Complete an interest form here and we will contact you. http://www.thehatchcommunity.o rg/i-want-to-be-a-doula Spread the word!"
For Mentors:
The Hatch Community is currently recruiting mentors to support and develop the trainees of our Doula Training Program. A Hatch Doula is trained to provide empowering physical, emotional, and practical support to parents through their pregnancy, childbirth, and with their newborn.
Complete an interest form here and we will contact you! http://www.thehatchcommunity.o rg/become-a-doula-mentor Spread the word!"