Meet the 2017 Cohort 3 Mentors!
From left to right: Bianca, Beatriz, Nicole, Chantal, Alatia, Natalie, and Brittney.
On September 17th, Hatch launched its Peer Mentor Training Program. Graduates and peers from Hatch's Community were trained to mentor trainees through this years nine month Birth and Postpartum Doula Program. As Mentors, they will also have opportunities for professional development and personal growth. A few topics that were discussed were: Hatch's Scope of Practice, the importance of active listening and how body language is important, tips for working with youth, empowered coaching, and activities with real-life scenarios. It was a very successful day of training and the mentors are very excited to start working with the new trainees!
Big THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our September Fundraiser! All donations will go directly to training peer support doulas for young families this fall!